So our day started with a quick breakfast and a venture outside to find the golf course (Rich’s idea, but I’m game). Asked the front desk and she said “I’ll call security and have them open the gate”… we told her not necessary, we can see it, just the other side of the fence, we’ll just walk.
So off we go. Stopped by the security gate out front and he said “I’ll go open the gate for you”…and we said again, we can see it, IT’S RIGHT THERE! He said, are you sure? Yep, and we headed out the gate.
Well Dave, you remember when you told Rich to watch out for me and he said ok? Well he lied!! Lol! About the time we left the grounds, we knew why they seemed so surprised we were going to walk.
2,000,000 people in Arusha – about that many buses, vans and motorcycles – only 5 stop lights and trust me when I say there were NO tourists walking on the street. All the smart ones were in cars! Anyway, short walk down a dirt path with people and motorcycles driving every sort of direction to find out the course is for members only AND if we played, we would have to walk. NOPE! Thank God Rich agreed. So back to the hotel for a catnap by the pool waiting for our guide. Even our guide told us they don’t recommend you leave the grounds…oops!
Later took a ride with two of our guides into the heart of Arusha…and what an experience. Cathy and Jan? You remember when I was the DD in St. Thomas and drove all week on the other side of the road? Well let me tell you…not here! It was insane. I’ll try to post a brief video I took in a bit. I was trying to take pictures out the window and they told me to put my arm through the strap and hold on to it cause there is a real problem with people walking past the vehicle and just reaching in and grabbing cameras, purses, etc. Told them they would have to fight me for my camera.
We then visited the Cultural Art Museum and it knocked our socks off. Prices were outrageous but some unbelievable stuff. I so wanted a piece from a local artist who paints and carves out of wood and bronze. His paintings look better than photos…amazing but 850.00 for as painting? Nah. One of his photos sold for 180,000 (I’ll post pic). Wow!
Back to the hotel for another quick nap that lasted 3 hours. I just hope I can sleep tonight. I’m so excited for tomorrow I can hardly stand it. Flight to the Serengeti leaves at 7:00am. Rich is “breathing loudly” (lol) across the room so he’s having no problem sleeping. Better wrap for tonight. My adventures awaits…